The Mabon or Autumn Equinox has arrived and the Harvest Season is in full swing. One of the strongest symbols of this Sabbat is the SICKLE. It is used to trim the grain and the word itself means "to cut". In the Wicca, the sickle is a magical tool used to symbolically cut down the Sun God and return him to the earth. His reign is now over as is symbolized by the shortening of the days. Although a somewhat mournful rite, we realize that his rest in the earth will bring rebirth just as seed planted in the womb brings gestation and new life.
The sickle is used to separate the wheat from the chaff. It is a tool that can cut away all that is useless and harmful as well as gather and reap all the fruits and rewards of the hard work we have done throughout the year.
THE SICKLE MEDITATION can be done any time between Sep 23 and Nov 1. Begin by visualizing any obstacles, fears, or dangers that you face and see yourself cutting them down with the sickle and pushing them away from you with the POWERFUL sickle in your right hand.
This harvest season is less difficult than last year, when loss of lives over a wasteful war and loss of lives and livelihoods due to hurricanes caused an enormous amount of stress and grief to this nation and the world. This year, many are still dealing with grief and recovery which potentially decreases the good that can be gleaned. In regard to this, it becomes even more important to visulize the cutting away of negative and baneful energies that deplete the harvest.
Now take three deep breaths and imagine all you have worked hard for, and everything you are thankful for. Imagine the good you have and the good you hope and wish for - take all these images and gather them up in the CRESCENT of the sickle. Pull them towards you with the sickle in your right hand. End this ritual visualization by saying a prayer of gratitude in your own words to the God and Goddess.
The 22nd/23rd of this month is the NEW MOON. It is not just any old new moon because according to lunar (13 month) calendars, it is the first new moon of the year. It is also Rosh Hashanah or the Jewish New Year and on the 24th, Ramadan begins. These three days are extremely powerful for cleansing and rebirth. It is also an important time to gird or seal yourself with strength so that you don't lose what you have already gained.
To increase, strengthen and protect your assets (both spiritual and material) or to draw and renew abundance, take a TRES LECHES BATH on the NEW MOON . Fill a tub with water and add one cup whole milk (cow's), one cup goat's milk (easily found in health food stores), and one cup coconut milk. Soak for a minimum of ten minutes and then wrap yourself in a white towel or bathrobe and air dry. Do not soap or rinse off for 8 hours after this soak. It is best to take at night before retiring. (If you do not have a bath tub, you may mix 8 quarts water with one cup of each milk into a bucket and pour over your head and shoulders while standing in the shower.) Got Milk?! It is a very powerful ingredient to work magick with. Milk is sacred to the Moon and the Mother Goddess and contains energies of nurturing, sustanance, protection, and prosperity.
Blessed Be! Happy Healthy Bountiful Harvest!
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